Accessible and inclusive mobility


At Alsa, we view mobility as a social right and we work to facilitate inclusive and universal mobility, adapted to the needs of all people.

Our aim is for all people, regardless of their circumstances, to be able to use our services in the same conditions of safety, equality and comfort and with as much autonomy as possible.

That is why we are continually working to improve the entire accessibility chain of our services through a range of solutions, including adaptations for people with reduced mobility and wheelchair users (PRM and PRM in wheelchairs), transfer seats, free or subsidised travel for companions, accessible information, adapted sales channels, etc.

Our approach is inspired by the DALCO Criteria, relating to the actions of wandering, apprehension, location and communication that must be satisfied to guarantee universal accessibility, as defined in Standard UNE 170001-1.2007.

For the design, development and validation of the different initiatives and improvements included in our Accessible and Inclusive Mobility Plan, we have the support of different organisations and associations that give us an insight into the perspectives of different groups with disabilities.

Consult all the information about the accessible services we offer on national and regional, urban and metropolitan routes.

We have formalised our commitment to equal rights and opportunities for all people through the AENOR Certification according to the UNE 170001 Standard for Universal Accessibility Management Systems on several of our routes.

EOn this page, you will find all the information about our range of accessible services, but if you do not find what you are looking for or have a more specific query, you can also consult our Help section.

If you have any further questions or suggestions about our services, please contact us on our customer helpline +34 900 814 114.