Pictogram Notice Attention: review and select among the following issues if it matches yours:

*Suggestions and commendations

The fields with an (*) are obligatory.
Make a complaint
Obligatory field.
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Required field
Required field
Required field
Required field Invalid document, use the following format: 12345678A Invalid document, use the following format: X12345678A Documento inválido
Required field Incorrect format
Too many characters Please use more characters Incorrect format

Details of service

To successfully process your claim, YOU MUST FIRST indicate the tracking number of the service concerned to enable us to process your request. If you cannot provide the name and details of the service you will need to visit an Alsa sales point in person.

Obligatory field.


Campo obligatorio
Obligatory field.
Obligatory field.

To find out the status of your complaint, call (+34) 91 020 7007 (available 24/7) and provide your reference number.