Madrid - Murcia


What to do

Travel by coach from Madrid to Murcia with Alsa for a quick, comfortable and pleasant journey. Only Alsa offers you the chance to travel from Madrid to Murcia by coach at the best rate guaranteed. And if you buy your tickets in advance at you can avail of our cheapest deals.

The Spanish capital boasts a huge range of cultural and sightseeing options. You can drop into one of its museums, such as the Prado, the Thyssen-Bornemisza, and the Reina Sofía national art centre, or take a stroll through its famous streets, from the Puerta del Sol to the Gran Vía, enjoying the architecture of the Royal Palace, and the Fountains of Neptune and Cybele.

It is a privileged spot between the Levante and Andalusia. An old quarter full of charm, unbeatable beaches, and a climate that has the sun shining down almost all year round. The Casino, with its Louis XV inspired ballroom, is one of Murcia's most iconic buildings. You are also sure to be impressed by the baroque style Cathedral and the city's churches and convents, such as Santa Ana Church. The Mercado de Verónicas market fills the streets with colour and aromas with the region’s best products. As you stroll around, you will see all kinds of shops and an interesting programme of events in the best cinemas, museums, and theatres, such as Teatro Romea, the Museum of Science, and the Museum of Fine Arts.

Bus stations


Coaches travelling from Madrid to Murcia depart from either the Estación Sur bus station or the Madrid Barajas Airport - T4.

All stations are connected to the public transport network and have public parking.


Your journey will end at the Estación de Autobuses de Murcia bus station, located on Calle Sierra Pila, s/n.