Lisbon - San Sebastián/Donostia


What to do

Travel by coach from Lisbon to San Sebastián/Donostia with Alsa for a quick, comfortable and pleasant journey. Only Alsa offers you the chance to travel from Lisbon to Donostia by coach at the best rate guaranteed. And if you buy your tickets in advance at you can avail of our cheapest deals.

Lisbon, capital of Portugal, has a lot of charming corners, with a decadent aspect in which part of its charm resides, with friendly people, with a great cultural and leisure life, in which the Fado stands out. You can move on the classic yellow trams and enjoy the neighborhoods of Baixa, Chiado, Alfama and Bairro Alto. Do not leave the city without a walk around the Praça do Comercio and the Rossio, get to know the Torre de Belém and the Jerónimos Monastery, visit the Cathedral and the São Jorge Castle, as well as the Carmo Convent./p>

San Sebastián/Donostia
Known in the Antiquity as La Bella Easo (the beautiful Easo), San Sebastián is a big tourist destination that combines beaches and mountains, as well as a culinary offering that has gained in prestige in recent years. The famous Paseo de la Concha surrounds the beach of the same name, and the beach of La Ondarreta, finishing up at Peine del Viento (the Wind Comb). Strolling around the old port, or browsing the Kursaal, the Miramar Palace, or the Victoria Eugenia Theatre are all great ways of visiting this city.

Bus stations

Equipaje preparado en la estación


Your journey will end well at the Lisbon Oriente Station, located at Av. Dom João II, 1900-233 or Sete Rios Station, at Praça Marechal Humberto Delgado, 1500-423.

San Sebastián/Donostia

Your journey will end at the Estación de Autobuses de Donostia/San Sebastián bus station, located on Pasadizo Egia, s/n.